Sunday, June 18, 2017

Sally's Garden

One of my many wonderful memories of my dear friend Sally Erickson was her love for being outdoors and especially her planting and keeping her gardens beautiful for everyone to enjoy.  I remember when I asked her to help me decide what to plant in front of my picture window at the house and she told me send her a picture of where I would like the garden and she would come up with something and would come up to help me get started, which that day would have been fun to spend the day with her doing one of the things that she loved to do.

If you are ever out in about for a little drive and want to see the beautiful garden that Sally's sister Kay had done for her memory take that drive to Hallsville at Sassafras Moon World Gifts because it is a wonderful way to remember Sally and her love for the outdoors and below are just a few pictures of Sally's Garden just to get you a sneak peak what you will see, but pictures doesn't do it justice.  When I first went to see what Kay had done in honor of her sister, I could picture Sally up in heaven looking down with a big smile on her face and could bet that she was right by the side and I even can see her working in it keeping its beauty for all to see and enjoy.

There will be more things added from time to time, but again this is just a sneak peak but take that drive to Northern Boone County and see for yourself just how beautiful it is.  While you are there take a look around the store you just might find a gift for someone or even something for yourself and if you have any memories of Sally go in and tell Kay, Shelley, Patti and Ruth they would love to hear them.